If you have arrived here, there is a good chance you have received news you did not expect. As an expectant or new parent you have been told your child has Down syndrome.
If your child has arrived, please accept the sincere congratulations of our entire community.
Whether you are celebrating the birth of your child or anticipating its arrival, here you will find the basic information you need to get started on the rewarding processes of having a child with Down syndrome in your life.
As you embark on this passage, HADSA offers two thoughts.
First, you are not alone. Instead, you have become part of a large, deeply caring and warmly welcoming community. When you are ready, please contact us at [email protected]. We can answer what seem to be terribly daunting questions and, if you like, put you in contact with other parents who have been exactly where you are now. We can promise you will find them supportive, knowledgeable and above all sensitive.
Second, take care of yourself. Whether you are expecting or have been joined by a new arrival, the one thing that is known is that a baby – a little packet of human potential just waiting to explore his or her world – is counting on you. So, rest, relax and enjoy.